The heart appeared to be of aortic type with a tortuous and prolonged aorta. Culture of the sputum showed growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Routine urinalysis and tests of the liver and kidney functions showed normal findings. 心脏呈主动脉型,主动脉曲屈延长。痰培养肺炎双球菌生长。尿常规、肝功能、肾功能等检查正常。
During treatment the blood picture should be watched, and routine urinalysis performed. 治疗期间应注意血象,并做尿常规分析。
Conclusion: Present container can be completely replaced by new urine container to test routine urinalysis, urine sediment and HCG. 结论:新型多功能尿液采样器完全可以取代尿杯应用于尿液常规、尿沉渣检验以及尿液HCG和尿淀粉酶的检测。
The sediment urinalysis routine was in accordance with the requirements of "The suggestions for standardization of sediment urinalysis" instituted by the expert committee in hematology and osology in 27.9% of laboratories. 被调查的实验室在尿液沉渣分析检查的日常工作中符合我国血液学和体液学专家委员会公布《尿液沉渣检查标准化的建议》只占27.9%,不符合占72.1%。